How knitters live longer and have less stress

Knitting is one of the oldest pastimes on the Planet Earth that people can do. At one time, the art of knitting was a necessity. A sheep’s pelt was shorn from its body and used to make all manner of clothes and garments. This handy resource was like a gift from God directly (which is why they feature so much in the Bible) as it enabled humans to have sheep as not only a food source but also a source of clothing material to keep the winter chill out.  Wool and its subsequent derivative cloth are the mainstay of the country’s economy. It becomes a vast export, so the Speaker of the House of Lords sits on “The Woolsack”. It shows how important the wool trade was to the island’s economy.

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Knitters, more than anyone else, understand the value of wool. With their nimble fingers and patience, they can create various items, from jumpers to rugs. Beyond the joy of creation, knitting is widely recognised as a powerful stress reducer. The repetitive nature of knitting can induce a calming rhythm, triggering the release of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, which can help lower blood pressure and reduce stress.

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Getting into the hobby is easy. A great introduction is to get hold of a Knitting Kit. has a wide range of kits to get you started and offer support and advice on the best way to carry on and gain confidence in knitting.

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